Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This post is for those people who think that whatever they want to do they are not able to do because they think that life interferes in between always.

Then i am here to tell you somethings which are really going to help you

1. If you are adventurous then treat life as an adventure.
---- If you think this way, It will really going to help you as whenever you fall down your spirit of being   adventurous will ask you to rise again and show the world that you are someone who should always be         respected.

2. Live each day as it is your last.
-------- Enjoy whatever you do and don't be afraid what other people will say. Dance as no one is seeing you,Sing as no one is listening to you and Live as no one can dare to interfere you.

3. Always try to be different from the crowd as it will lead you to various shortcuts in life and help you reaching your destiny.
-------- Just think and do different from other people as it will help you in thinking some better ideas than others and will develop your mind greatly.

4. Have faith in yourself.
--------- Never depend on anyone as once you will loose then there will be no one whom you can blame which will also help in learning from your mistakes.

5. Think of a goal and always  try to achieve it in any way.
----------- Do every thing possible in achieving your goal may it even cross the limit because once you get it then will always be grateful to your efforts which you had put in.

6. Be ready to grab any opportunity when you have a chance to.
----------- Always try to face any challenge as you may not know how far it will take you and always remember that



These things have been typed by my heart and If you are exhausted by trying everything to live happy but always have failed then just try the one which i have told you just now.


  1. thanks tarang for teaching me these lessons .
    now i am going to try these things and let you know the result.
    thnx again for your help.


  2. @ andrew.
    i wish that you really succeed in life.
    best of luck for a new life
